Saturday, August 18, 2007

No garage cottage, but possible cabin instead

A few days ago we discussed with our builder, Jessica, two options to get us out on the property quicker. The first would be constructing the garage with a loft, the second would be constructing a small 14x24 cabin that could later be used as guest house. The construction of the garage, which would have to be done on a separate schedule, would actually slow down the construction of our house since it would be breaking the job down into two phases. Due to this factor we've decided to look closer into a small cabin.

This is the small cabin we are looking to build

Maya actually loves the idea and thinks of it as being able to live like Laura in the book "Little House on the Prairie" (but with modern conveniences). As soon as we hear back from our builder regarding pricing, we'll know if it's a go... I'm sure we'll have some very interesting post of our experience if all works out!

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